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Encapsulated PostScript  |  1991-09-16  |  15KB  |  575x862  |  8-bit (150 colors)
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OCR: MHSSEND Documentation Version 11.1 INTRODUCTION MHSSEND fis lan lenhancement ffor IMHS and lyour current Imail program. IlIt ksimply lacts as la Inotifier ffor any lincomming MHS Imail. IMHSSEND uses INOVELL's linternal broadcast lsystem to I'SEND" Inew Imail notification Ito lusers of IMHS. IIIn this lway, MHSSEND takes DK lat the user's lworkstation. MHSSEND can also be lun llocally lfrom lwithin the kystem llogin Iscript lor a lseparate batch file to linteractively ((and limmediately) check Ifor Imail lupon llogin. INSTALLATION Any loccurrence lof I'[d:]" Iindicates the drive lon lwhich IMHS fis located] To Install IMHSSEND las ha IMHS Igateway lo lthe lfollowing: 2) Defineunewigatewaywalled(MHSSEND((leaveullwtherulefaultsu-(SEE(NOTE) 3):QuitMHS 4) CopyMHSSEND.EXEutou[d: ]\MHS\GATES\MHSSEND\PUBLIC\INPOST.EXE 5)(CopyMHSSEND.EXEoud; ]\MHS\EXE\MHSSEND.EXE 6) RunMHS andurunsiMHS).ulfwouthaveunotherwisernamewtheruhaniMHS,placeuthatunameuintheparameterdist. MHSSENDdooksifortheenvironmentwariableM VuindutestsutoufinduMHStbywcheckingtheexistencewf ThisummayıresultufuMVurulyusmotuetirufutheuserurunningiMHSSENDwlocsmotthaveenoughwsecurityto RUNNING MHSSENDU(GATEWAY) MHSSENDwilluunuautomaticallywachtimeMHSwycles.uEachulefineduMHSwseruwillbewcheckedfor directoryu.\PARCEL\.usuautomatically@excludedufromuhisicheck.ulfumailusifoundithenuumessageus sentispecifyingithemnumberwfumessagesuindutheapplicationtheywerefoundun.uAllapplication EXCLUDING NOTIFICATION YoumayexcludewisersufrommnotificationbytreatingunNOVELLigroupwallMHSEXCLUDEundadding RUNNINGIMHSSENDI(LOCAL)